About company

Limited Liability Company “Chagnar”
Trademark “NW Forest”


The company was founded in 1993 and is a year-round enterprise for the harvesting, transportation of wood. The name Chagnar occurred with the joint cooperation of two enterprises in Chagoda and Narva. The enterprise itself has been operating since 1999.


Lease Chagnar LLC consists of 3 rental plots with a total area of ​​45016.9 hectares. And an annual estimated cutting area of ​​85,905 mb. on an area of ​​609.6 hectares. in the Chagodoschensky state forestry.
The organization currently employs 37 people.


The harvested wood is exported to the lower warehouse located in the RMM in assortments.
Logging operations are carried out by the MKB (small integrated team), consisting of 4-6 people, which works on the basis of one skidder tractor using the established technology. Loading and hauling of timber (assortments) from the cutting area to the lower warehouse is carried out by Ural forestry machines with hydraulic manipulators.


The harvesting process consists of logging operations, timber removal and work at the lower warehouse, and is carried out by our own and hired logging teams working under contract agreements. The number of brigades depends on the harvesting season of 6-20 brigades.


In addition to harvesting, Chagnar LLC is also engaged in forest reproduction, which includes measures to create forest crops and promote natural regeneration.